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35mm Cameras
Honeywell Pentax H3 & Fujica ST605
Voigtlander 6x9 PAGE BEING RE-DONE
Welta Perle
Other Cameras Yashica D, GAF LS, Yashica FR, Canon SureShot
Yashica D
Former Cameras
New Vest
More Macro


Digital Photographs - click image for full size

Original image compressed only - no corrections - 2048 x 1536

Lighting test - High-Res original compressed 70%

1/8th sec. @ f3.7, -2/3ev guess exposure for name plate

Old desk lamp had coarse terry towel rubber banded over lamps for diffusion, white paper used to fill right side.

Self Portrait in bathroom mirror - High-Res original compressed 70%

exposed handheld about 4 in. from mirror



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Last modified: March 31, 2007